Since the Christchurch Earthquakes, there has been a large body of research, papers, lessons learned and observations that have circulated in professional journals, papers, and conferences. There are now lots of new or updated information available. The Christchurch Earthquakes have reminded us that New Zealand is a geologically …
Asset Management Plan Update No. 5 – LGA Amendment (No 3), Development Contribution
The Local Government Act Amendment (N0 3) Bill was introduced to the New Zealand parliament in November 2013, went through the parliamentary process, and has been in force since 2014. The 'Better Local Government' Cabinet Paper referenced on the Department of Internal Affairs website offers a good background to …
Asset Management Plan Update No. 4 – LGA Amendment (No 3), Infrastructure Strategy
The Local Government Act Amendment (N0 3) Bill was introduced to the New Zealand parliament in November 2013 and is currently working its way through the parliamentary process. The 'Better Local Government' Cabinet Paper referenced on the Department of Internal Affairs web site offers a good background to the issues that were …
Asset Management Plan Update No. 3 – Purpose of Local Government
The Local Government Act changed - the new purpose of local government statement is included for reference below. Has this purpose been incorporated into the AMPs?Are you demonstrating that the purpose is being met? Simply, if your Asset Management Plan and Levels of Service are referencing the previously required Community Outcomes …
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Asset Management Plan Update No. 2 – Census Data for Update
As noted in my previous posts New Zealand Census 2013 and Census 2013 Data Releases Continue the 2013 Census base population and demographic information is available for each local authority. We have previously covered the importance of population and demography changes in our 'Day with Professor Natalie Jackson' and …
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Asset Management Plan Update No.1 – Project Planning
As outlined in my previous overview post, 2014 is the asset management plan updating year in New Zealand. The first issue to consider at this point in January 2014 is - How are your AMP updating project planning and delivery? Most staff members should be back from their summer holidays (vacations) by now, and it is an excellent time …
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New Zealand Asset Management Plan Updating Year
The New Zealand Local Government Act specifies a cycle of Council Long-Term Plan updating based on our 3-year electoral cycle. The subsequent Long Term Plan updates were due in 2015. Long-Term Plans are underpinned by Asset Management Plans, as the expenditure on activities and the assets that support those activities make up …
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Waugh Infrastructure Management Serves 70% of NZ territorial Councils, 85% of NZ Population
Following the release of the 2013 census population information, Waugh Infrastructure reviews the summary population growth information for each local authority in New Zealand and constructs a summary table from the information provided by Statistics NZ. We look at which Councils is growing, which Councils has population decline, and …
Asset Management Planning and the Importance of NZ Census Data
Further to my previous post, New Zealand Census 2013, more information had since been released by Statistics NZ. The release schedule for the 2013 Census information has been provided by Statistics NZ. Most significant for territorial authorities the Regional Summary Tables were released on 3rd December 2013. These Excel …
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Auckland Ranked 10th Most Liveable City in the World 2013
The Economist Magazine and Economist Intelligence Unit complete a number of studies each year, one of which is the City Liveability Index shown in the chart above. Auckland, New Zealand is scored as the 10th highest in the world, which must be good news for Auckland Council who has the vision of working towards being the worlds …
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Cayman Islands, 100th Country for Waugh Infrastructure Management Site
The visitors to Waugh Infrastructure Management website have been steadily growing and as of publishing this post, we have had visitors from 100 countries. The beautiful Cayman Islands was the 100th country to visit. The amount of international interest shown has been very encouraging, and this is also flowing into …
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Welcome to 2014
It is the middle of summer here in New Zealand and traditionally everyone takes extended summer holidays (vacation) over the Christmas and New Year period. I have had a good break and are now back to work. I trust all the readers of this blog had a very happy Christmas and New Year. I don't know about you, but the last part of …
Asset Management – Group Volunteers Clean Detroit’s Open Spaces
Let me share a very interesting video of a group who cleans Detroit's parks and open spaces. They are known as the 'Mower Gang'. If you could recall, I wrote on Detroit bankruptcy, and its possible implications for infrastructure management. I also mentioned in the Ingenium 2013 Conference Paper Series on the future of …
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