IPWEA Conference, Canberra, August 2011
Wollongong City Council is undertaking a major internal project – the Infrastructure Management Framework (IMF) to deliver a range of asset, operational, and supporting systems management objectives. Part of the IMF project is the delivery of Asset Management Plans by June 2011.
The IMF project supports Councils parallel Integrated Planning and Reporting (IPR) framework project.
WCC has chosen to use NAMS.PLUS as the base for the asset management plan writing, building on the success of this approach with other Councils.
The NAMS.PLUS templates have been used for guidance, base plan structure, and asset lifecycle analysis.
The IMF project incorporates improvements in project management, asset management, operational management, and supporting information systems.
As a result of the wider corporate focus of the IPR/IMF projects, WCC has extended the NAMS.PLUS service level guidance to consider operational service levels, and associated service standards in the asset management service level development.
This operational analysis builds on Wollongong City Council strengths in operational service delivery, and will ultimately lead to Community, Technical and Operational Service Levels being delivered, managed and reported within a fully integrated framework.
The case study briefly introduces the IMF project and then examines Councils journey in considering and documenting strategic, tactical and operational service levels.
The methodology used to gather service level information will be outlined, and the project results to date analysed.
The case study will conclude with a brief examination of the service level improvement items that have been added to the asset management plans.

Photo by Matt via Flickr Creative Commons Licence.
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