It is great to have Hugh Blake-Manson at the International Water Association World Water Congress & Exhibition in the City of Toronto.

In 2025, the International Water Association – Aspire conference is joining forces with the Water New Zealand Conference and Expo on 20-24 October in Tāmaki Makaurau-Auckland.
We are thrilled that Hugh is on the organising committee for this amazing international event in 2025.
To read more about the event, click this link ➔ 10th IWA-ASPIRE CONFERENCE AND WATER NEW ZEALAND CONFERENCE & EXPO.
While attending the IWA Congress in Canada, Hugh networked and prepared for next year’s IWA conference in Auckland and some professional development.

After the conference, Hugh did much global networking in the USA and Canada, visiting some municipalities and seeing how water is managed locally.
Hugh says that the IWA World Water Conference is a fantastic forum for sharing global challenges and solutions. I am fortunate to have attended and seen the beautiful City of Toronto said Hugh.

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