Local Government Infrastructure Efficiency Expert Advisory Group, December 2012
Waugh Infrastructure was consulted by the Advisory Group in the preparation of this report
NAMS International Advanced Asset Management Forum, Auckland, November 2012
Both New Zealand and Australia have made Infrastructure Asset Management Plans an essential component of infrastructure planning and funding. What have been the benefits, costs, and risks of this approach? This paper will examine case studies in Australian and New Zealand practice.
The development of infrastructure asset management practices in Australia and New Zealand over the past 20 years has become an essential component of infrastructure planning and funding. This approach has had a range of impacts but has there been risks or adverse consequences to a mandatory approach to asset management planning and reporting?
The paper will examine case studies in Australian and New Zealand practice and the effects on public policy formation and communities in both countries.
Pacific Water and Waste Conference, Auckland, November 2012
How Cultural Values add to providing Optimal Service at Reasonable Price, Lenard Smythe, Ross Waugh
Managing your assets to achieve maximum value and benefits, reducing risk and to provide satisfactory Levels of Service to the Community in a responsible manner
- Appropriate Asset Management
- Levels of Service
- Managing Demand
- Managing the Asset Lifecycle
Challenges to think about
Ingenium Northern South Island Branch Meeting, 24 August 2012
Long Term Plan – How to get to 2015, Grant Holland, Ross Waugh
Presentation to the Ingenium Northern South Island Branch Meeting, 24 August 2012 providing a brief overview of issues likely to need to be considered by Local Authorities in the preparation of their 2015 Long-Term Plan
Ingenium Northern South Island Branch Meeting, 24 August 2012
IFME – International Federation of Municipal Engineers – Helsinki, Ross Waugh
Presentation to the Ingenium Northern South Island Branch Meeting, 24 August 2012 providing a brief overview of some key observations from the IFME Conference in Helsinki, Finland, June 2012
International Federation of Municipal Engineers World Congress, Helsinki, Finland, June 2012
Both Australia and New Zealand are sparsely populated outside their major cities, with many small, rural and remote communities. The operation, maintenance and renewal of assets by these communities is an on-going challenge with limited resources and large asset bases.
The development of asset management practice assessment and development tools and techniques has assisted communities to focus scarce resources in the practice areas of greatest risk and need.
The use of asset management Maturity Audits and AMP writing tools in Australia is assisting communities with the development of capacity and resilience around infrastructure management. The paper provides an overview of these asset management practice developments.
New Zealand Transport Agency Road Maintenance Task Force
This report provides a summary of research investigation and Technical Working Group consideration of the Road Maintenance Task Force: Better Asset Management, Planning, and Delivery.
The Road Maintenance Task Force’s challenge is to consider the hypothesis:
“If … we (the sector) ensure that all road network management units are making sound road asset management decisions then the above action will lead to an improvement in efficiency, effectiveness, and a whole of life value for money in the delivery of road maintenance operations and renewals”
The problem definition statement: Currently there is a perception that there is an asset management capacity and capability gap within the sector so sub-optimal programmes are being delivered.
This research report, incorporating results of the 2011/12 NZ Road Maintenance Task Force Stakeholder Survey, and feedback from the Technical Working Group, seeks to address the hypothesis and problem definition statement.
Waugh Infrastructure wrote the Asset Management Research Paper for this report.

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