Please feel free to browse the conference papers that the Waugh Infrastructure Management team has created through all these years.
These conference papers were presented at local and international conferences.
Conference Papers 2017
Four interesting presentations: “IDS Strategic Review – Road Infrastructure Management Support (RIMS);” “Canterbury Councils Working Together;” “Ethics;” “The Road Efficiency Group – Transforming Transportation Asset Management;”
TAGS: road infrastructure management support, IDS strategic review, canterbury councils
Conference Papers 2016
Myths, Realities, and Money – The Infrastructure Management Journey in the 21st Century
TAGS: infrastructure management journey, infrastructure management myths, infrastructure management realities and money
Conference Papers 2015
Please add these four conference papers to your asset management resources and references.
TAGS: infrastructure asset management, pacific asset management, road maintenance task force
Conference Papers 2014
See the papers we present at the TRB conference in Miami and two more presentations in New Zealand.
TAGS: transport asset management, asset management changes transportation sector, IPWEA NZ conference
Conference Papers 2013
Please read what we presented at the IPWEA conference in Darwin, Ingenium conference in Dunedin, IDS conference in Wellington, and a seminar in Timaru.
TAGS: infrastructure management forecasting, asset management changes transportation sector, better asset management planning
Conference Papers 2012
There are six conference papers that Waugh presented in 2012; among others, a paper presented in Helsinki, Finland.
TAGS: asset management forum, pacific water and wastewater conference, better asset management planning, International Federation of Municipal Engineers
Conference Papers 2011
Wollongong City Council Case Study on Strategic, Tactical and Operational Service Level Development using NAMS.PLUS templates, Mike Dowd, Ross Waugh
TAGS: Wollongong City Council, IPWEA conference, levels of service, asset management plan, asset management planning
Conference Papers 2010
Browse the four papers we presented, namely:
- “Strategic Investment in Infrastructure: Are We Providing Value for Money? Jeff Roorda, Ross Waugh”
- “Asset Management Presentation, Ross Waugh”
- “Resisting the pressure for quick fixes to create long-term infrastructure value, Ross Waugh”
- “Asset Management for Public Entities – Learning from Local Government Examples, 2010”

TAGS: strategic infrastructure investment, asset management presentation, long-term infrastructure value, asset management plan, asset management planning
Read Grant Holland’s presentation in Melbourne and the two asset management papers that Ross Waugh presented in Portland, Oregon.
TAGS: strategic asset management, TRB transportation asset management, Portland City asset management, asset management plans, asset management planning
Conference Papers 2007, 2005, 2004
Browse the three papers that were presented during Ingenium and IPWEA conferences.
TAGS: asset management topical issues, NZ asset management, wastewater pump station management, asset management plans, asset management planning