The Climate Adaptation Platform (CAP) is a site that curates research, papers, case studies, work, and recent developments to infrastructure adaptation and resilience on climate change and infrastructure adaptation and resilience.
CAP is owned and operated by the Inframanage Trust, a trading trust that Ross Waugh founded.
I took the opportunity to work as CAP’s researcher in July 2019. My task also involves uploading on the website the blog posts and articles that I have done.
The site will also be an online portal for those who want to learn more about climate change adaptation and its impacts and those who would like to share their works. From individual people to communities, private and public sectors, practitioners, researchers and academia, funding, and environmental organizations worldwide.
Through knowledge and resource-sharing, CAP also aims to help developing countries in the Asia Pacific and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in their climate change adaptation efforts.
The Climate Adaptation Platform’s vision as stated on the website, is to be a portal for recent, relevant, and robust information, showcase New Zealand practices, disseminate the world’s best practices, connect leading thinkers, build educational and training capabilities, host expert webinars, seminars, and conferences, and provide networking opportunities.
Its vision is guided by the principles of sustainability, transparency, independence, trustworthiness, political neutrality, respect of each country’s and individual viewpoints, and collaboration, and avoiding duplication of other’s efforts.
Since CAP was launched in August 2019, it has continued to grow in content and links from quality sites like Science Media Centre, The University of Auckland, University of Canterbury, Western North Carolina Climate Action Coalition, CO2 balance of UK, dosi-project.org (Switzerland), and ilearn.bond.edu.au (Australia).
The platform’s number of visitors has grown steadily, coming from all over the world, at 114 countries as of the moment. The United States, New Zealand, and the Philippines are the top three countries that brought the highest traffic (visits) to CAP.
At the time of writing, CAP has published 303 blog posts and 25 events.
On 25th November 2020, CAP achieved a milestone when it hosted and conducted its first webinar, Climate Change Adaptation Roadshow Webinar #1, the first of many series.
The webinar featured speakers from the University of Auckland – Dr Theuns Henning as the main speaker and Dr Sandeeka Mannakkara, who both lead the CAP Team. Other speakers include Dr Asaad Y. Shamseldin and Dr Conrad Zorn. Mr Roger Fairclough moderated the webinar and is CAP’s chair of participants group.
The webinar is well attended. There were 305 who registered coming from 36 countries. The Philippines had the highest number of participants (150+) followed by New Zealand (70+).
The webinar has brought a significant increase in CAP visits, which will boost its online visibility.
What CAP has achieved in just over a year is quite promising, and I hope that many more opportunities will open for the project in the coming years.
Achieving the Toitū Envirocare Carbon Zero certification and the Climate Adaptation Platform are among the many advocacies that Waugh Infrastructure Management Ltd. is doing for the environment and climate change.
[…] threat of climate change and extreme events on infrastructure has led the IAM discipline to adopt climate change adaptation approaches and strategies on infrastructure, specifically on making infrastructure assets more resilient to […]