Waugh Infrastructure Management Limited (WIML) has developed a Resource Consent Management System within Infor IPS Asset Information System (IPS).
IPS was chosen as the platform to develop the resource consent management system so the Council can retain as few database systems (software) within the organisation.
Therefore, reducing the number of systems staff must be familiar with and that must be supported by IT.
The set-up process includes:
- Confirmation of business requirements during an on-site visit
- Customise IPS screens (for ease of use by staff)
- Provide Workflows (which enforce business rules)
- Provision of database views/queries that pre-prepare the data for reporting
- Provision of standard reports
- Provision of a standard user manual of the processes and reporting
On-site training to confirm business needs and train key users (preferably the IPS Administrator as well as key engineering staff)
An example resource consent is used in training, and at the end of the training, it would be expected that this consent would be fully set up and ready to Go Live.
“The Waugh Infrastructure, Asset Information Team have very strong database, business process and quality management systems skills and have all worked on compliance management implementations in the past.”

The success of the system is in the ability to know what information will be captured and when with a reliable job scheduling and tracking system.
Examples of types of data or actions to demonstrate compliance include:
- Chemical sampling monthly
- One-off preparation of a process to show due care
- Annual audit to prove the above process is followed
- Prompt to check for an exceptional event eg was there a rain event requiring corrective actions to occur
- Six monthly calibration
- Daily gathering of peak flow or volume from SCADA
- One-off preparation of an Operations Manual
- Annual review of the above Operations Manual
- Annual servicing of a key piece of equipment
- One-off confirmation of asset built to the required standard
The above examples are provided only to prompt for thought on how best to demonstrate compliance with a consent.
Waugh Infrastructure Management Ltd. adopts a client inclusive methodology in all tasks that are undertaken. This methodology includes transferring as much knowledge as possible to the client during the process to ensure Council Staff buy-in and, therefore, the project’s long-term success.All Waugh Infrastructure Management Senior staff have extensive knowledge and experience of Local Government processes in utilities’ planning, management, and operation.

Ross Waugh
+64 3 686 6994