Hi infrastructure management practitioners, I’m finally back to publishing posts!
To my colleagues and those who are following regularly my asset management consulting NZ site, you might have noticed that I haven’t published since November 2017.
My apologies and thanks if you have been visiting the Waugh blog to check if a new blog post has been added.
A mixture of heavy consulting workload, finishing my thesis, and family affairs affected my blogging calendar.
While there was no action in the Waugh blog section, we continued to develop the site in terms of the following:
- We moved the site to faster and more secure hosting.
- We optimised the site to its “https” URL.
- We updated our main pages.
- We did some “housework” to ready the infrastructure management consulting website for the years to follow.
Again, my apologies for my long absence in publishing blogs and thank you so much for subscribing patiently to this site.
Now, I have resumed and I am eager to catch up with the many infrastructure management topics that I have planned to write about.
FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Monarchs by Ross Waugh
Please share your thoughts