Our team at Waugh Infrastructure enjoyed a good break over the Christmas/New Year period.
2019 has started well with our team back from leave, and having a range of interesting projects to assist clients with.
We are assisting a number of clients with progressing their asset management improvement programmes throughout the 2019 calendar year.
This year is the ideal time to improve your evidence base, test assumptions, and close identified asset management gaps in preparation for the updating of asset management plans in 2020, which will support the 2021 Long Term Plans.
The skills and resource shortage, training and mentoring needs are ongoing industry issues, and Ross is presenting a keynote on this topic at the June IPWEA NZ Conference.
We will also be adding a few blog posts on this topic over the next few months to present information and stimulate thinking on this topic.
Our recent case studies have been well received, and we are planning to continue the publishing of relevant case studies throughout the 2019 year. We have added the link to the asset management case studies on the top of the sidebar to assist with easy access.
We trust your summer break has gone well, or for those of your who wait until school is back – is about to go well.
2019 is shaping up to be a year full of opportunities and challenges, with local body elections, continuing development of water reform responses and a growing pipeline of horizontal and vertical infrastructure development and replacement.
As a team we are looking forward to a busy and interesting year as we assist our clients with their asset management planning, practices, systems and implementation challenges.
[…] Are we identifying these short comings in our Infrastructure Strategies and Asset Management Plans? […]