If you are looking for a general overview of Asset Management without it being too complicated, then the AM Basics Guideline (AMB) is for you.

Who would find this Guideline useful?
Murray Erbs, IPWEA’s NAMS Chair, says “the publication is essential reading for junior engineers, technical officers, works supervisors and anyone “thrown into the asset management role”. It also will be a resource and summary explanation for accountants, planners, senior managers and elected members on the
The guideline has less than 80 pages compared to the International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM),which has a whopping 388 pages and is targeted more towards Engineers and Asset Managers as it takes them through the full asset management process with much more detail.
As stated in the AMB, “The purpose of this Guideline is a companion document to the IIMM, this Guideline has been written to assist people and organizations new to asset management that need to gain a grasp of the basic requirements of asset management planning.”
The Guideline focuses on the journey to ‘basic’ and ‘core’ asset management in the Asset Management Maturity spectrum, and concentrates on
- Establishing the Asset Register
- Managing the Existing Asset Network
- Forecasting Future Requirements
- Developing the Capital Works Programme
- Developing the Asset Management Plan
- Asset Management Enablers
The AMB Guideline was easy to read and understand, it has some good diagrams and example illustrations (using different asset types i.e. transport, parks and utilities), which help lead you through the process. I really liked the format of the important statements (highlighted in boxes) as it made them really stand out.
It’s worthwhile completing the Asset Management Checklist (figure 1.8) on page 8 to help you identify your main knowledge gaps.
At the beginning of each section, there is a short explanation of what is covered in the section, which is easy to follow, and a useful introduction.
At the end of the section, there is a section summary and a reminder of what is required to meet either Basic or Core maturity.

I congratulate IPWEA for recognising that there was a need for this Guideline and I’m sure it will be well used.
For more details, click on this link to the
AMB 2019: Applying
[…] are assisting a number of clients with progressing their asset management improvement programmes throughout the 2019 calendar […]